How Google Adsense detects Fraud Clicks

Recently I got approval from Google Adsense. You can see the ads displaying in this blog sidebar and above this post. Before getting into the topic I have some personal tips for you , how to get approved by Google Adsense Program. These are 3 simple factors which you need to do
- Get A Privacy Policy Page On Your Website Or Blog!
Wait A Few Weeks Before Apply!
Have Quality Content! and please read Adsense TOS once before applying.

Now after getting approved and displaying the ads in your website/blog , main thing is clicking your own ads is prohibited and asking someone for click exchange. they are considered as invalid clicks. so Here are some detection methods they might use for calculating invalid clicks.

* IP Address:If the AdSense click is originated from the same IP Address as the one used for accessing your AdSense account, your account is flagged.

* Cookies from your Computer:More advanced users use dynamic IP! Yes, disconnect from the Internet, and join again, you change your IP, but Google for each click computer places on your computer Cookies.

* Other Google Services:Thinking that you are safe just because you do not access your AdSense account? Think again. This time, consider these: GMail, Google Earth, Google Calendar, Google Search, Google Toolbar, Google Talk, Google Sitemap, Google Desktop, Blogger, and so on. With the wide range of services they provide, Google can trace the originator of most (or probably almost all) clicks.

* Hardware/Mac Address:MAC address of the LAN card, modem, and router works almost like a fingerprint. I’m not sure if Google can track this, but probably they do.

* General Concept:# Google has some basic why this computer / IP address / person is so trigger-click-happy on this particular website but never click on the ads on other sites?
# Why is it that people accessing these sites direct (type-in URL or from bookmark) tend to be very active ad-clickers compared with those referred from search engine or other sites?
# why the ad-clickers like to hit and run, compared with non ad-clickers that surf a few pages before leaving?

* Click-Through-Rate (CTR):Your CTR may range from 0.5% to 10%, but if it exceeds a certain point (probably around 10%), you are flagged.

* Violation of Google AdSense:A clear violation of Google Ad Sense. “Make money by clicking on the ads” – even if you do not post this text directly sooner or later Google will find it. Again ban again no money.

* Search Engine Ranking:Your website is not indexed on any search engine, not linked by any prominent website, but get consistently high traffic? That sounds like something is in play. Regardless of whether it is an adware-embedded software, spam, trojan clickbot, or intentionally installed click-exchange network, it doesn’t sound right.

In short, it is almost impossible to cheat AdSense in the long term. Instead of spending time, money, and effort trying to outsmart Google, try these tips to improve your AdSense earning. Google might or might not use these methods to detect click-fraud. I’d believe that they have much better detection mechanism.

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