Bookmarks for the day - 8th July

We daily come across thousands of Websites and we Bookmark it ! I'm also one among them. so, I thought why shouldn't i share my bookmarks which i do daily, to my valuable readers :) Henceforth ill be sharing 2 bookmarks a day :-) so excluding these bookmarks ill be daily blogging about general tech news, internet guides, social media informations, some new apps and etc..

Here is the Bookmarks for the day - 8th July

1. Make your Own Twitter Logo in 3 seconds :

Yeah! Here is the "Twitter logo Generator". Its an interesting way to create your own logo. simply enter your name and press 'Make' and download your logo. The logo generated is of same font and color of the twitter logo. It also provides advanced options like changing the text color, outline color, font size.

Twitter logo Generator - Homepage

2. Chat with a Stranger !! - Omegle

What is Omegle? Its a chat room that pairs you with anyone who is logged into Omegle
and it is identified only as a Stranger. You can chat about anything you like until he/she frustrates and disconnect from the conversation. You can start another converstation immediately. It’s free-for-all. The Chats are completely anonymous.

Omegle - Homepage

I have added a New Label/Category called " Bookmarks " on this blog's sidebar. so You can click that and view all my Bookmarks.

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